There's a new baby in my life
When was the last time you took own your advice?
When was the last time you took own your advice?
I keep talking with career practitioners about the lack of brand awareness for our field. So many people simply don't know we exist. They don't understand the value of #CareerDevelopment. They don't know how it can help them in creating & sustaining a happy, meaningful life.
I keep talking with career practitioners about the lack of brand awareness for our field. So many people simply don't know we exist. They don't understand the value of #CareerDevelopment. They don't know how it can help them in creating & sustaining a happy, meaningful life.
There are 2 big reasons why people leave their jobs
There are 2 big reasons why people leave their jobs. The first is personality - if you don't fit in, you want out. The second is values. If you're not finding meaning or if your day-to-day clashes with what's important to you, that values mismatch can be tough.
Because of this, we focus a lot on personality and values in #CareerDevelopment. We focus a lot on strengths too.
Because of this, we focus a lot on personality and values in #CareerDevelopment. We focus a lot on strengths too.
"So...what do you do?" A dreaded question
"So...what do you do?" A dreaded question.
So many of our clients hate this question. Who wants to go to a dinner party and be reminded of how they're feeling stuck or unhappy at work? "Let's chat about all my unused potential compared to your accomplishments, Mr. Astronaut, as we sip Cabernet." Awesome.
So many of our clients hate this question. Who wants to go to a dinner party and be reminded of how they're feeling stuck or unhappy at work? "Let's chat about all my unused potential compared to your accomplishments, Mr. Astronaut, as we sip Cabernet." Awesome.