Are you ready? Are your tools updated and streamlined?
Posted by: Ali Breen
Are you ready? Are your tools updated and streamlined?
Are you presenting the best version
I was helping a client last week apply to their #DreamJob. Using #narrative practices, we updated their decade-old resume and created a video application. It was a rush job.
The client wasn't even looking for work when this amazing opportunity was posted. They weren't ready. It was a whirlwind right up until they hit 'send'.
We've been working here at OneLifeTools on an upgraded, streamlined version of our boardgame #WhoYouAreMatters! for a year. We have tested the new version with 100s of players. We've listened to feedback from countless facilitators. We've gone over every minute detail.
This was the opposite of a rush job.
We wanted to be sure we were providing our best version. We took our time, knowing that it was worth it to be intentional, to be focused and to be ready before we launched it.
What if we all took the time, before the big launch, the dream posting, the next step, to be intentional about getting ready?
How would that change things for your clients? How would that change your services?
#GetReady #DontWait #CareerDevelopment #CareerTools