
HEROIC Narrative Assessment System

The OneLifeTools HEROIC Narrative Assessment System guides individuals through a narrative career & life clarification process rooted in their life story, followed by a guided exploration of their most promising possibilities.

The HEROIC Narrative Assessment System bridges the latest career theory and thinking with a proven framework used successfully with thousands of people from 80+ countries of origin. It is guided by the The Canadian Standards & Guidelines for Career Development Practitioners and more than 10 other theories and practices.

People's careers and lives go through cycles of stability and change. The HEROIC Narrative Assessment System helps navigate these sometimes difficult periods of transition and make clear, confident and well-informed choices that lead to better outcomes, and happier and more fulfilling lives.


Our narrative system follows a two stage process, illustrated in the Model shown below.

Career & Life Clarification

Reflect on past experiences to help you determine strengths, desires, natural interests, and other important elements. Brainstorm relevant possibilities for clients future and create a Clarification Statement that will help guide the next stage of our Narrative Assessment System: Intentional Exploration.

Intentional Exploration

Whether the possibilities generated are a new career path, educational opportunities, entrepreneurship or something personal, we help clients explore them before diving right in. This helps avoid investing time and money before ensuring your possibility is a good fit.

Client Question

What should I do next? What possibilities are a better fit? How do I transition my past experiences into new opportunities?

We all have big questions we face.OneLifeTools System guides people in making well informed and inspired choices that help them move forward and achieve their goals.


Our model is all about individuals and their stories! Clients reflect on past experiences, gain clarity and generate promising possibilities that match their strengths & desires.


One size never fits all. We encourage all our clients to follow clues and take inspired actions to explore possibilities before focusing on one and actively pursuing it.

Learn more about the HEROIC Narrative Assessment by attending our next Free 1-hour virtual Who You Are Matters! conversation experience or our 3-day in depth Holistic Narrative Career Professional Training.

Contact us to book a call