Region of Peel
Regional Municipality embeds Who You Are Matters! into a successful all-staff “Career Day”
Situated in the heart of southern Ontario’s major urban centres, Region of Peel is the second largest municipality in Ontario, with a population of more than 1.4 million people and 143,000 businesses. Rapid population growth and commercial development have transformed Peel from what was primarily a rural area of farms and villages into a dynamic blend of urban, industrial and residential areas.
Corporate Services, like all of Peel’s departments, places a strong emphasis on attracting, maintaining and developing highly motivated and qualified employees who have a sense of pride in service to the public. As such, Corporate Services wanted to offer a ‘Career Day’ to all staff to offer relevant and contemporary career management support and skills development. The challenge was to find an engaging and skill-building experience to embed into Career Day.

Peel chose to offer the Who You Are Matters! experience to all 300+ Corporate Services staff, blending all levels including directors, managers and individual contributors, in an off-site meeting held at a local banquet hall. The game facilitator led the morning session by introducing the need for professionals to navigate successfully a lifetime of transitions. By creating a Clarification Sketch by the end Who You Are Matters!, the facilitator suggested this tool would help staff gain clarity around desires and strengths and possibilities, and thus support ongoing career development. The Career Day later included a session on improving LinkedIn profiles and usage for career development.

Choosing to embed Who You Are Matters! in our Career Day was an excellent decision. Staff and management loved it, and our Commissioner was pleased with the results. Working with the team at OneLifeTools and CareerCycles was easy; they worked hard at customizing and delivering a top notch event for us.”
- Karen Rockwell, HR Project Manager, Region of Peel
More than 300 people successfully played and enjoyed Who You Are Matters!, which at the time was the largest group to experience the game. The quality of the conversation generated by the game increased trust, grew empathy, and built communication skills, all contributing to increased productivity. Staff evaluations of the game experience were excellent. The Commissioner of Corporate Services received favorable feedback from staff and managers, some saying this was the best ever annual off-site learning event.