
Capturing the Lightbulb Moments: Narrative Case Studies in Career Development

Capturing the Lightbulb Moments: Narrative Case Studies in Career Development

Picture this: you’re sitting with a client and your favourite thing happens - the lightbulb moment. It’s like a flash goes off in their mind and they have a great idea, a gut-check realization, a truthbomb drop.

How are you capturing these moments as they happen? How are you helping your clients reflect on these flashes? 

How can we support clients, through narrative assessment, to reflect on their stories in a systematic way, as a legitimate form of input into career counseling, advising or coaching?


Start with Why: How Narrative Assessment Tackles 7 Major Challenges in Career Development Practice

Start with Why: How Narrative Assessment Tackles 7 Major Challenges in Career Development Practice In this 7-minute read, we tackle this meaningful question. We explain why narrative approaches are the key to solving seven common challenges faced by helping professionals in career development settings.


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