Hope. Is this a forbidden word in #CareerDevelopment? As practitioners, we highlight the importance of tailoring resumes, engaging on LinkedIn, navigating the hidden job market. We help clients identify strengths and values. We co-create exploration plans.
As an industry, we hear about the skills gap, the VUCA world of world, the gig economy, unpaid internships and yes, even the threat of robot overlords from my last post.
And we try to manage expectations: a career professional will not land the dream job for you.
But do we talk about hope? We should.
Research shows that there is no established link between employment status and employment quality. This means, the client may have gotten a job, but they also may be back in your office in 3 months because the job was a bad fit.
Research also shows that individuals who are hopeful are motivated and better positioned to attain their goals. They believe they can change their careers and can see pathways to make change. These results are correlated with person-job fit and career and life satisfaction.
If we are only measuring success as a checkmark next to “employed”, we aren’t measuring enough.
Let hope spring eternal in your work with clients. It's a tool that's just as vital as a great resume.
Hope. Is this a forbidden word in #CareerDevelopment?

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