Let's consider carpool karaoke, but for our careers.
Hear me out.
Late Show host James Corden has a regular segment in which he invites celebrities to drive around with him singing in cars. Today, I watched as Paul McCartney returned to his childhood town of Liverpool to do just that.
Paul gives a tour of his old home, his regular haunts and talks about the inspiration for many of his songs. James tells his own stories too, about how music has affected his life.
James asks "how do you feel, being back here?" and Paul replies that he is stunned at all of the things that have happened since being a teenager in that town.
Through all this, they get back in the car and sing along to these epic songs, these touchstones along the way.
I was struck by the power of reflection in this video. By the acts of storytelling between these 2 men, and how so much of the world now gets to storylistening as the video gets shared.
#Narrative processes allow us to help our clients stop and reflect, and learn from all that has happened. We think about the key places, the key figures, the key choices that led us down one path, and the paths we abandoned.
Next time you're in the car, I challenge you to link a song to a story in your life, and sing it out for all to hear.
Let's consider carpool karaoke, but for our careers

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