
When was the last time you took own your advice?

When was the last time you took own your advice? When was the last time you took own your advice? 

I keep talking with career practitioners about the lack of brand awareness for our field. So many people simply don't know we exist. They don't understand the value of #CareerDevelopment. They don't know how it can help them in creating & sustaining a happy, meaningful life. 


"So...what do you do?" A dreaded question

"So...what do you do?" A dreaded question. 

So many of our clients hate this question. Who wants to go to a dinner party and be reminded of how they're feeling stuck or unhappy at work? "Let's chat about all my unused potential compared to your accomplishments, Mr. Astronaut, as we sip Cabernet." Awesome.


Hearing back from feedback

Hearing back from feedback We encourage our clients to ask for feedback from trusted allies as part of our #narrative approach to #CareerDevelopment.

We invite them to reach out to friends, family & colleagues to ask  "what are my strengths?" & "how do you see me?" & "what do I undervalue in myself?". Clients also ask about possibilities their allies may envision for them.


I often jump in heart first without looking

I often jump in heart first without looking I often jump in heart first without looking. I'm driven by a belief that coaching & #CareerDevelopment can be positive forces of change and good in the world. 

It usually pays off - my eagerness to try new things. It's International Coaching Week & I signed up for what I thought was a typical networking event.


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