How many great ideas are collecting dust on your shelves? Career is ever-changing, fluid and dependent on external forces. So are the available tools and strategies that help us support our clients. We actively seek out that new activity, great TedTalk, awesome podcast & best practice.
We love metaphors at OneLifeTools. We often use them to communicate complex ideas to trainees and clients. We share new ones that we hear from#WhoYouAreMattersplayers. We embed them in online learning sessions.
"I didn't know it was a thing." A group of PhD students played our careers boardgame last week. This was the answer we got when we asked "who here has had a conversation with a career professional?"
There's a new baby in my life. Her mom is a dear friend. Lately I've been thinking: how will this tiny human figure out what she wants to be when she grows up?
Are you ready? Are your tools updated and streamlined?Are you presenting the best version was helping a client last week apply to their #DreamJob. Using #narrative practices, we updated their decade-old resume and created a video application. It was...