We love metaphors at OneLifeTools. We often use them to communicate complex ideas to trainees and clients. We share new ones that we hear from #WhoYouAreMatters players. We embed them in online learning sessions.
One of my favourites for describing #NarrativeAssessment is that we take a backswing through your stories and experiences to power up for moving forward with intention.
Mark likes to say that intently listening to a story is like squeezing an orange. It allows us to get every last drop of juice out of an experience.
There's a metaphor that came up last week during organizational training that stuck with me. A participant said, when talking about navigating our careers:
"We're not on the same rollercoaster but we're at the same carnival."
Job searching, career transition and life planning can feel overwhelming, isolating and hopeless. Our goal, through the boardgame, through narrative assessment, through the work we do as StoryListeners, is to reframe these so that clients feels empowered, resilient and optimistic.
I love this metaphor because it conveys the chaos of the world of work along with the feeling that we are not alone. If it's a wild ride, at least we are all in it together.
And maybe there's some cotton candy around here too!
We love metaphors at OneLifeTools

Posted by: Ali Breen
Filed under: 2-Min Read, Client Work, Gamification, Narrative, Practice Building, StoryListening Micro-blog, WhoYouAreMatters!
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