How many great ideas are collecting dust on your shelves?
Career is ever-changing, fluid and dependent on external forces. So are the available tools and strategies that help us support our clients. We actively seek out that new activity, great TedTalk, awesome podcast & best practice.
How often do we implement these though? How often do we learn about a new approach or get trained up in a new tool and then leave it on the proverbial shelf?
I attended our newest training program last week and one of my favourite parts was the implementation planning. It's vital that we walk away from a day of learning with an action plan: how am I going to apply this?
Today in our #WhoYouAreMatters live Learning Session, I was struck again by the questions that came up. They were all about action and using the tools.
To anyone using our #narrative framework and to anyone curious about it: we are here to support & encourage you to take action.
Consider hopping into a free learning session or our Community of Practice. You can use what we teach about implementation for more than our boardgame and the #OnlineStoryteller. You can use it to dust off your day to day.
How would it feel to take a few things down and dust them off? How would that help you help others?
How many great ideas are collecting dust on your shelves?

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