
"So...what do you do?" A dreaded question

"So...what do you do?" A dreaded question. 

So many of our clients hate this question. Who wants to go to a dinner party and be reminded of how they're feeling stuck or unhappy at work? "Let's chat about all my unused potential compared to your accomplishments, Mr. Astronaut, as we sip Cabernet." Awesome.


What do I really want?

What do I really want? Most of us spend more time researching & customizing our next smart phone purchase than we do planning our careers.  

We read reviews and tech blogs. We factor in features, our lifestyle, battery and extra gadgets. We ask experts and consult our friends & family. You have your phone with you every day - it's a big decision.


Why aren't we using the right tools for the job when we're Job Searching?

Why aren't we using the right tools for the job when we're Job Searching? Why aren't we using the right tools for the job when we're #JobSearching?

"I always bomb those situational questions in interviews. I get caught up in trying to sound legit and professional, like on my LinkedIn."  

We call this resume babble. Phrases like 'strategic managerial experience' or 'proven ability to' or 'which resulted in'.

Strong, clear and concise wording on a resume is key, when used in the right context, with proof to back it up.


Reflection For Hire

Reflection For Hire I’ve been helping a small business owner in my community find talent for an urgent job opening. She contacted me late in her hiring process, completely overwhelmed. First, she had only received a few quality resumes and she hoped tapping into my network of clients and fellow career professionals could help her find more applicants.


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